山西大学光电研究所,量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室,腔量子电动力学小组 Tel: +86-351 711 3818/701 1004, E-mail: tczhang@sxu.edu.cn |
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Probing spontaneous wave-function collapse with entangled levitating nanospheres Jing Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Jie Li Wave-function collapse models are considered to be the modified theories of standard quantum mechanics at the macroscopic level. By introducing nonlinear stochastic terms in the Schr¨odinger equation, these models (different from standard quantum mechanics) predict that it is fundamentally impossible to prepare macroscopic systems in macroscopic superpositions. The validity of these models can only be examined by experiments, and hence efficient protocols for these kinds of experiments are greatly needed. Here we provide a protocol that is able to probe the postulated collapse effect by means of the entanglement of the center-of-mass motion of two nanospheres optically trapped in a Fabry-P´erot cavity. We show that the collapse noise results in a large reduction of the steady-state entanglement, and the entanglement, with and without the collapse effect, shows distinguishable scalings with certain system parameters, which can be used to determine unambiguously the effect of these models.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 012141 (2017) PDF
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Experimental test of Bohr’s complementarity principle with single neutral atoms Zhihui Wang, Yali Tian, Chen Yang, Pengfei Zhang, Gang Li,Tiancai Zhang An experimental test of the quantum complementarity principle based on single neutral atoms trapped in a blue detuned bottle trap was here performed. A Ramsey interferometer was used to assess the wavelike behavior or particlelike behavior with second π/2 rotation on or off. The wavelike behavior or particlelike behavior is characterized by the visibility V of the interference or the predictability P of which-path information, respectively. The measured results fulfill the complementarity relation P2 + V2≤ 1. Imbalance losses were deliberately introduced to the system and we find the complementarity relation is then formally “violated.” All the experimental results can be completely explained theoretically by quantum mechanicswithout considering the interference betweenwave and particle behaviors. This observation complements existing information concerning Bohr’s complementarity principle based on wave-particle duality of a massive quantum system.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 94, 062124 (2016) PDF
High-efficiency blue light generation at 426 nm in low pump regime Jianfeng Tian, Chen Yang1, Jia Xue1, Yuchi Zhang, Gang Li,Tiancai Zhang We report high-efficiency Ti:sapphire-laser-based frequency doubling at the cesium D2 line 852 nm using a 20 mm-long periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal in a bow-tie four-mirror ring enhancement cavity. The relatively complete cavity design procedure is presented. Focusing that is over twice as loose as optimal focusing is used, and both the fundamental frequency wave and second harmonic beam absorption-induced thermal lensing effects are weakened. Blue light of 210mW at 426 nm, where absorption is severe, was obtained with 310mW mode-matched fundamental light, corresponding to conversion efficiency of up to 67%. The blue light beam power showed 1.5% RMS fluctuation over 40 min.
J. Opt. 18,055506 (2016) PDF |
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Experimental investigation of the statistical distribution of single atoms in cavity quantum electrodynamics Jin-Jin Du, Wen-Fang Li, Rui-Juan Wen, Gang Li and Tian-Cai Zhang The Hanbury Brown–Twiss experiment for a beam of photons or atoms can be performed using counting experiments. We present the statistical distribution of single 133Cs atoms detected by a high finesse microcavity, which acts as a point-like single-atom counter. The distribution of the arrival times of the atoms and the correlation between the atoms was obtained based on the full counting statistics of the beam emitted from the cavity. The bunching behavior of the thermal atomic beams is clearly observable using this type of atom–cavity system. The correlation between the cesium atoms depends on the temperature of the atom cloud, and the corresponding parameters may be found by fitting an experimentally measured curve using the theory of multimode thermal light.
Laser Phys. Lett., 12, 065501(2015) PDF |
Temperature measurement of cold atoms using single-atom transits and Monte Carlo simulation in a strongly coupled atom-cavity system Wenfang Li, Jinjin Du, Ruijuan Wen, Pengfei Yang, Gang Li, Junjun Liang, and Tiancai Zhang We investigate the transmission of single-atom transits based on a strongly coupled quantum electrodynamics system. By superposing the transit transmissions of a considerable number of atoms, we obtain the absorption spectra of the cavity induced by single atoms and obtain the temperature of the cold atom. The number of atoms passing through the microcavity each release is also counted, and this number changes exponentially along with the temperature. Monte Carlo simulations agree closely with the experimental results, and the temperature of the cold atom is determined. Compared with the conventional time-of-flight (TOF method, this approach avoids some uncertainties in the standard TOF and sheds new light on determining temperature of cold atoms by counting atoms individually in a confined space.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 113102 (2014) PDF |